Initiate Amendment by PI

When a user with a PI role navigates to Non-Research and then to the Manage Post Award Amendments screen, the system present them with a blank search screen. Clicking search shows the list of grants eligible for amendments. This list will only display those grants on which the user is a PI.

A checkbox is available to show expired grants as well and these may also be amended. (Closedclick to view screen)

PI view of Amendment List with Initiate option

The screen will show buttons in the Action column for initiating a new amendment application or to view a previous amendment application if that grant has had one previously.

The View button option will display any amendment applications associated with that grant. Please see the View section for more detail.

Clicking the Initiate button will open a menu showing the following types of amendment options:

  • Budget Revision
  • Carryover Request
  • Change in Scope
  • Key Personnel
  • Merger, Transfer, etc
  • No-Cost Extension
  • Organization Change

Clicking one of the menu options will open up the ASSIST module and open the forms required for the type of amendment selected. Closed(click for an example)

Sample of application in ASSIST

The application will include the main SF424 form as well as other forms that required based on the type of amendment selected. Each tab navigates to that form.

Other features on the Information page will show the type of amendment, the PI and Institution information, the related FOA, as well as other information.

NOTE: It is important to check the SAM registration to be sure that the expiration date is after the submission date.